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Connection & Performance Issues
I lost my progress in the game!
How do I save my game? (Android)
How to leave a Guild?
What is happening to TWD: No Man’s Land?
Do I need to do anything with my game or account?
What will happen to my personal information when DECA Games takes over the game?
Random Chance Tables
What is the Walker Pit?
When do I get my Cycle rewards?
What are Trade Goods?
What is Struggle?
Where do these walkers keep coming from?
What are Human Enemies?
How do I get more Radios?
How do I get components?
Higher Level Defending Walkers in your Outpost!
What are pink stars and Elite survivors?
Leader Traits: Sniper Morgan, Riot Gear Glenn, and Survivalist Rick
What are Heroes?
Support: Dog
Support: Shiva
Support: Whisperer's Mask
What rewards do I get from the Last Stand?
How does scoring work in the Last Stand?
What is Expert Mode?
What rewards do I get from The Distance?
Round Passes double the stars and Trade Goods rewards in the Challenge!
Why were Challenge Stars withheld?
How do Guild gifts work?
Guild search improvement
What is a Guild?
Guild Wars Resources
Guild Shop
Guild Wars Beta
I can’t make purchases! (Apple)
Full Gas and Double XP offers
How do I disable in-app purchases? (Android)
Turn off personalised ads (Android)
How do I save my game? (Apple)
I get an error message and cannot download/update the game!
My game crashes! (Apple)
My game crashes! (Android)
When will the game be available in my language?
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How do I send you feedback?
Terms of Use
Privacy Policy
I can't update my game! (Android)
I can't update my game! (iOS)
When do I have to update my game?
What's new in the 5.6 Update (Darkfrost)
What's new in the 5.8 Update (Lethal Skirmish)
Fortified (Armor Trait)
Tyreese's Leader Trait Issues
Tactical Not Working
Unfair Matchmaking During Guild Wars
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