The Walking Dead: No Man's Land collects player data relevant to the game, and every player has the right to request access to that data under the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Unnecessary data is never collected. We comply with all local laws and you can find more information in the Privacy Policy. This policy describes what data is collected about you, how it is used, and how you can manage it.
To request a copy of your player data, send us a message through the game for us to ensure that we only send the correct data to you.
Enter the game and go to Settings. From there, go to "Help" and then contact us through the upper right corner. If you do not see a button in the corner, open an FAQ and there should be a contact button visible.
Once you have tapped the contact button you will be able to write your message. In your message be sure to include your email address and clearly state what your request is.
Along with requesting a copy of your player data, you can also request that it be deleted.
Please be aware that if you request the deletion of your player data, your game will not be recoverable at a later date should you wish to continue playing in the future.
We are still required to maintain records of certain data to comply with other legal obligations.