Known Issues
Tyreese's Leader Trait Issues
We are aware that Tyreese's Leader Trait "Made to Suffer" is not functioning correctly, AKA Tyreese Circles bugs. Our development...
Tactical Not Working
We have noticed an issue where the Tactical trait of equipment sometimes fails to work in the game. The bug is mainly due to some problems w...
Unfair Matchmaking During Guild Wars
We have noticed that some players may encounter unfair matchmaking issues during Guild Wars, specifically where they face a situation of bei...
Lost Sword in Guild War Battle
We noticed that in case of a bad network connection, players sometimes flee/finish a Guild Wars mission without the game registering that th...
Current Glitch in Guild Wars
We are aware that due to a glitch, it’s now possible to exceed the weekly maximum amount of 91.840 points. Unfortunately, this glitch s...